8th August 2012

Throw Them Into The Sea!

“He will again have compassion on us; He will subdue and tread underfoot our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.”
Micah 7:19 (AMP)

I broke my leg a few months ago and am still in plaster from knee to toe. This strange plaster thing is like some kind of alien; it clings to me wherever I go, it is with me day and night—in fact 24/7. In some ways it rules my life as far as movement is concerned, it dictates when I should hop or crawl, or slither down stairs on my bottom! As I lug it about it is a continual reminder that all is not well with my life, in fact I am a bit unbalanced and need to be extremely careful otherwise I will do myself even more harm. Oh to be rid of it; oh to be able to rip it off and dispose of it, but of course that is not an option.

Our sins are a bit like that; sometimes we drag them with us wherever we go. We carry them around and become overburdened at the very thought of having them in our lives. These alien things, if I can call them that, are a sure sign that something is amiss and it makes us feel a bit unbalanced! Because our Father tells us “I, even I, am He who blots out and cancels your transgressions, for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” (Isaiah 43:25 Italics mine).

Two special things to be aware of in this scripture, first of all God forgives all of our sins “for His sake” and then He “totally forgets them.” So for us to carry these foul things around with us like some kind of alien creature is totally against his will. He wants us to enjoy that freedom that has been won for us by a Saviour who loves us so much that He suffered and died that we might be free from them. A ‘woe is me’ attitude is the last thing He wants to see in our lives and He doesn’t want to hear the words, “I am such a sinner!”

The Hebrew word translated “blots out” in Isaiah 43:25 means ‘totally destroyed’, so when God forgives, He forgives completely and when He forgets He forgets completely, and He wants us to do the same! And just to remind us what the prophet Micah said, they are “cast into the depths of the sea!” Let all of us toss them there and “Cry Freedom” from these alien things through Jesus Christ our Lord—for me, that’s great news! And of course that will be the ultimate fate of this plaster cast!

Freedom from sin is such a priceless blessing, Father.  To be totally unburdened as we love and serve you and others, is an incredible blessing—thank you through your Son, Jesus Christ.

Study by Cliff Neill