24th October 2014

Constant Love 

“For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39 (AMP) 

Nothing separates us from the love of God.

When Paul wrote to the church in Rome, it would have been easy to imagine how things could appear to separate us from God’s love. The daily pressure of life could make people feel distant from God; sickness and disease left victims feeling helpless and unloved; the state could stop Christians meeting together; persecution could isolate believers; Paul himself, according to Ignatius, an early Christian writer, would go on to be executed, probably by beheading, in Rome.

Today the situation is similar in some ways. So many events and ideas can make us feel alienated from God. We drift away from him and let ourselves feel abandoned; we feel threatened and hemmed in by the world around us; dreadful diseases dominate our lifestyles; persecution of Christians is a reality; death remains a mystery for so many of us. Where is God in all of this?

Paul was anxious for the Romans to know that none of those things can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. It’s also important for us today to grasp what he said so eloquently. Dementia, cancer, Ebola, all these terrible causes of death: none of them separate us from God’s love.

Death itself does not block God’s love from us. Jesus “has destroyed death” and any hold we may have thought it had over us (2 Timothy 1:10).

When a loved one dies, or when we are overcome by illness, or when we become caught up in trials or injustice, God’s love for us continues.

God’s love for us in Christ Jesus is constant.

Compassionate Father, thank you that nothing separates us from your love in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name.

Study by James Henderson


Bible openAbout the Author:
James Henderson is the National Ministry Leader for Grace Communion International in the UK and Ireland.  You are welcome to attend any of our local congregations.  For details of your nearest local congregation, check on our website, www.wcg.org.uk under the ‘Churches’ tab, or ring +44 (0)1858 437099.

Email:  admin@daybyday.org.uk

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