22nd January 2015

God Our Life-Giver 

Second part of a Series 

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!”
I John 3:1 (NIV)

A parent gives a child its life.  Without our physical parents we would not exist.  It is they who give us our lives in the first place, through bringing us into the world so that we can experience our physical life.

In the same way God gives us a new, spiritual life when we become His children through Jesus Christ.  A spiritual life that is something very, very special.  In John 10:10 Jesus said he came that we could have life to the full.  And God does intend that we should be able to enjoy our lives.  Christianity doesn’t need to mean the end of our social life, or our career, or our friendships.  God was the one who created us to be able to enjoy these things.  We are social beings because God is a social being.

But the life Jesus is talking about is really a different type of life, so much more than the physical life we are familiar with.  The Greek word for it is zoe, and it’s the total fullness of eternal, spiritual life that God Himself has.  This life is so much more joyful, so much more fulfilling, so much more loving than anything we can humanly experience.  As God’s children we can start to experience a glimpse of this new life now as Jesus lives in us, and it will ultimately lead to love and joy and peace and happiness for all eternity.  As it says in Colossians 3:4, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” 

Father in heaven, thank you so much for your incredible love in sharing your life with us through Jesus Christ.  Help us to experience that life through him everyday.

Study by Simon Williams


simonwilliamsAbout the Author:
Simon Williams is active in the Cambridge Congregation of the Worldwide Church of God UK.

Local Congregation:
Worldwide Church of God Cambridge
Comberton Village Hall
Green End
CB23 7DY

Meeting time:
Saturday 2:00 pm

Local Congregational Contact:
Bill Lee
Email:  cambridge@wcg.org.uk

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