28th April 2021

Our royal heritage

You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood…
1 Peter 2: 9 (NKJV)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born into a royal family with all the privileges that would entail? Privileges like personal prestige, palatial surroundings, expensive cars, quality clothes and fine cuisine, to name a few.

Thousands of years ago, a famous biblical character by the name of Moses, experienced a coveted royal lifestyle. The story goes that Moses’ mother put baby Moses in a basket and placed it in the River Nile in the hope that his life would be spared from Pharaoh’s edict that all Israelite male babies be killed. (Exodus 1:22).

Pharaoh’s daughter spotted the floating basket and had it brought to her. When she saw the Israelite baby, she had compassion on him and adopted him as her own son. Moses grew up as a prince in the Egyptian Royal household and experienced all the luxuries that Egypt could provide.

At 40 years old Moses witnessed an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave, and in anger killed the Egyptian. Knowing his own fate if he remained in Egypt, Moses fled into the wilderness of Midian, where he lived and worked for his father-in-law for 40 years. The writer of the book of Hebrews adds to the story: ‘By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.’ (Hebrews 11:24-26).

Although Moses had become accustomed to a luxurious and privileged lifestyle in the Royal Palace, his heart was with his brethren, the Israelites, suffering in slavery.

Moses was adopted into a place of royal privilege by Pharaoh’s daughter, and likewise we Christians have been adopted into a place of royal privilege, as the apostle Peter says, ‘…you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people…’ (1 Peter 2:9). 

We are privileged to be part of God’s family and to share in his heavenly Kingdom for all eternity; let us follow Moses’ example, who from his privileged position showed love and compassion for his brother’s and sisters in slavery, by doing what we can to love and serve our brothers and sisters suffering in the world.   

Thank you heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit for loving us so much, and for your desire to share eternity with us in your heavenly Kingdom. Let us serve others as we eagerly await our promised Royal heritage! In Jesus’ name,  Amen.

Study by John Magowan


About the writer:
John Magowan is a member of Lisburn Grace Communion International, Northern Ireland, where he serves on the Pastoral Council.

Local congregation:
Lisburn Grace Communion
Ballymacbrennan School House
129A Saintfield Road
BT27 5PG

Meeting time:  
Sunday 11am

Local congregational contact:
Bob Beggs

Word of Life contact: