20th October 2023

Bing! Bing! Bing!

We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 (NIV)

I put down the phone with a shaky hand, trying not to panic. My brother had just called to let me know our mum was being rushed to hospital in an ambulance and he was going to follow behind in his car. He told me to stay at home until he knew what was happening. The waiting was unbearable. How do you keep calm and not let your thoughts run riot? It was agonising. Then I remembered the ‘Women in Prayer group’ that I belong to. Grabbing my mobile, I texted the group with my news, ending with ‘Please pray.’ Within seconds, the responses started – Bing! Bing! Bing! What a wonderful sound. I couldn’t help but cry tears of gratitude. Help was at hand. I was not alone, and these wonderful women were praying alongside me. What a blessing! 

We know God is the one who answers our prayers; he knows the things we need before we even ask, but we also need others to stand beside us and give us moral support. Sometimes they have to pray for us simply because we can’t do it for ourselves.

The Apostle Paul knew the importance of praying for his brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter their circumstance. He also knew the importance of letting them know that he was doing this, and not just occasionally when he remembered, but praying continually. Unlike us, he couldn’t grab his phone and send a quick message. Instead, he wrote a letter which probably took ages to be delivered. Nevertheless, when it arrived, the Thessalonians knew that not only was Paul praying for them, but he was also thanking God for all of them. What a source of encouragement it must have been. They were being persecuted and life was hard, so they really appreciated and needed his prayers as well as his love and support.

We know the importance of prayer, but we may want to ask ourselves how often we pray for our fellow Christians. Do we do it continually like Paul? Or are our prayers mostly about ourselves? When we hear about the struggles others face, is our first thought, ‘I must pray for them.’? And perhaps more importantly, do we actually pray, or does the moment pass?

When we pray for others, especially fellow Christians, we are building up the body of the church and all benefit, including the one who prays. However, in today’s header scripture, Paul takes it one step further: he uses his prayer time to remember what God has been doing through the Thessalonians; the faith, love and hope of Jesus Christ was working in and through them and Paul saw the results of this in their lives. We should take time to be thankful for the effect the gospel is having in the lives of our fellow Christians and to thank God for the difference he is making. It is a reason to be thankful and rejoice. It is a reason to pray!

Our loving Father, we take the time now to thank you for all our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for the difference that knowing you makes in their lives. Help us all to stand as one, united in our support and love for you, and each other. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Study by Jackie Mill

About the writer:
Jackie Mill is a minister in Grace Communion International and Co-Regional Pastor for Scotland, Ireland, and Northern England.

Local congregation:
GCI, Linlithgow. For details email the local congregational contact below:

Local congregational contact:   
Peter Mill
Email: edinburgh@gracecom.church

Word of Life contact: