19th June 2016


“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
Psalm 103:11-12 (NIV UK) 

Everybody has secrets. Some remain hidden for centuries. For example, it wasn’t until 1922 when an archaeologist discovered the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen that evidence showed his parents, Akhenaton and Nefertiti, had tried to abolish the worship of Egypt’s traditional gods during their reign. When Akhenaton and Nefertiti died priests removed all records and inscriptions about their attempt. No one was ever to know about their plans and actions to banish the pantheon of gods from Egypt’s belief system. It was thought that knowledge of the godless dynasty would be lost forever. But, the priests forgot to destroy King Tut’s tomb and the evidence it contained.

Many other historical secrets remain to be uncovered. In the USA there are over 50 million “top-secret” files. In many cases these files remain classified to protect people who were informants. Meanwhile, denied hard facts drives some to generate conspiracy theories about those secrets. It would seem that human history, as we know it, may be more half-truth than full truth.

There is, however, someone who knows all of it. And He has secrets too. The Message Bible sums it up rather well: “God delights in concealing things; scientists delight in discovering things” (Proverbs 25:2).

We are naturally curious. Physicists work entire lifetimes to uncover small bits behind the secrets of what makes the Universe work. And, it seems the more discovered, the more we find there is to learn. It’s humbling to know that we may never know most of the secrets of the universe.

But then we also have areas of ‘dark matter’ within our personal universe. All of us have done or thought things that we wouldn’t want anyone else to know about. We even live in denial, often refusing to admit our faults to ourselves. While, however, we may be successful in hiding our sins from others, and even from ourselves, no amount of denial can hide them from God. He tells us that he “knows the heart’s secrets.”

God, on the other hand, holds the secrets of our sins in the most secure and classified of files. He even withholds our records from himself, as Psalm 103 indicates. This is knowledge that should bring us great comfort. It stands at the heart and core of the gospel and should never remain a secret.

Generous Father, you continue to shower your blessings on us in ways we see and more often in ways we don’t. We offer the sacrifice of praise for that, realising that it will never be enough to show our eternal gratitude. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Study by Joseph Tkach


joeandtammyAbout the Author:
Joseph Tkach is the President of Grace Communion International (the Denominational name of The Worldwide Church of God UK), and resides in California, USA.

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