23rd November 2013

Who Dares Wins

“Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.”
2 Timothy 2:3-4 (NIV)

I served for 28 years in the Armed Forces, in many and varied places, and in three colonial wars. I have carried, and used, many different weapons: small, light and heavy. From 17 to 40 years of age I lived an exciting life. Then in my 18th year of service, with five years still to serve, God decided to call me. 

When I joined the army on  December 29, 1962, I never expected to be called into any other army, for any reason whatsoever. However, God called me into his service. When God calls you into His army, the answer must never be, “No!” But in not so many words I told God to shove off. His answer? “I’ll be back for you later.” And He was. 

How did I know I was being called into God’s army? Well, as a full time professional solider, I knew instantly because of the authority that came with the call. That’s the way God does it. He spoke in a way that was appropriate to my life and intellect, so I was able to handle it. It seemed God said, “Bill I want you to stop doing what you are doing and come and follow me.” That was an order and I followed it to the letter, from that very day. No one at The School of Infantry Warminster, where I was posted, ever questioned the change in me because the Commanding Officer, Regimental Sergeant Major, and other high ranks, went to church on Sunday, as I had taken to doing. 

Today how do I know that I am a solder in God’s army? In reading the scriptures over the years I have come to believe I have joined the Heavenly Host, an army commanded by the Lord of Lords, those who serve and fight for truth. Within the church of God, I, too, contend for the faith once delivered. Through the Spirit I meditate, pray, learn and read as a good soldier in God’s army. Our orders come from His Word and flow from our relationship with Jesus. 

Daily, I strive to live the reality of my faith and do my duty as I did for 28 years in Her Majesty’s Royal Regiment. From my experiences I know that I would rather serve in God’s army and I continue to do so to this day, and plan to for as long as I am able. 

I am Corporal Bill Orton at your service and under orders from our Father. 

Thank you, Father, for the incredible calling we have received in your Son. Please help us daily to be good and faithful servants. In Jesus’ name.

Study by Bill Orton


billortonAbout the Author:
Bill Orton attends the Birmingham Congregation of the Worldwide Church of God UK.

Local Congregation:
Worldwide Church of God Birmingham
All Saints Church
George Road
B23 7QB

Meeting time:
Saturday 2pm

Local Congregational Contact:
David Gibbs
Phone: 01213420609 (answer phone)
Mobile: 07974440580
Email:  david_gibbs@wcg.org.uk