30th July 2016

You Are Unique 

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvellous—how well I know it.”
Psalm 139:14 (NLT) 

Have you ever seen photographs of models or famous people in magazines looking beautiful or handsome and thought if only I could look like that? Then a little while later your illusions are shattered when you discover that the photos have been doctored to make them appear to be more photogenic. The image that we have been looking at, and maybe desiring to be like, is nothing but an illusion. It wasn’t the real person being projected—certainly they looked beautiful or handsome, but it wasn’t really them at all. An image has been created to help sell some perfume, promote a film or simply put the person in a better light.

When we look at other people, it’s tempting to think that they are somehow more ideal than we are. Someone always looks better than we do. There is always someone who is more successful in their career, or who seems to be more talented or gifted than we are. We always come across those who seemingly have perfect marriages, who appear to be excellent parents and whose children are well-behaved geniuses. Looking around at other people can be quite discouraging and depressing as it deflates our ego.

I don’t think that’s how God wants us to be. He doesn’t want us to be looking around at how he has made other people, or at what image they project; rather he wants us to look at how he has made us with our own unique gifts. After telling us that we are each ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’, as the NIV rendered the header verse, the Psalmist describes how we were known by God before we were born, that he formed us in the womb and has mapped out all the days of our life (verses 15-16). He concludes by saying, “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” (verses 17-18)

God has made you and me unique with specific gifts and specific purposes and treasures thoughts about you and me in his heart. The problem arises when we want another person’s role. We want to look like that person, be like that person, and do what that person does. Yet when God created you he wasn’t interested in producing another version of someone he had already created. He wanted the authentic, unique you. So don’t aim to be a copy simply trying to imitate others. Be the authentic you.

Why not take some time to think about the unique gifts and talents you have and give thanks to God for the masterpiece he has created.

Father, thank you for making me who I am; precious and unique in your sight. Help me to live in that understanding to your glory.

Study by Barry Robinson


barryrobinsonAbout the Author:
Barry Robinson is an Elder and pastoral worker in the Greater London area, particularly the Camberwell and North London congregations of the Worldwide Church of God UK.

Barry’s son, Ben, and daughter, Hannah, volunteer as staff at S.E.P., a two-week Christian summer activity camp that takes place on the banks of Loch Lomond, Scotland. It is sponsored and run by the Worldwide Church of God UK, a part of Grace Communion International.  Camp began 24th July and runs through 6th August 2016.  The camp is Christian in ethos but accepts campers from all denominations and faiths. For more information about S.E.P. visit http://www.sepuk.org or contact admin@sepuk.org

Activities-Cycling-Under the pole 2

Local Congregation:
Worldwide Church of God Camberwell
The Salvation Army Hall
105 Lomond Grove

Meeting Time:
Saturday 11 am

Local Congregational Contact:
Barry Robinson
Email: barry_robinson@wcg.org.uk