7th April 2013

Speaking Of Life

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
Romans 10:14 (NIV)

My Day by Day studies are edited from a video programme you can see every week on our main web page. Grace Communion International launched that video series, Speaking of Life, on September 8, 2006. Since then, more than two thousand people a week watch or listen to the latest episode. Some watch or listen online and others download the programme to their own computer or digital player for later use. Some download it and create DVD’s to share with others who might not have Internet access.

Speaking of Life programmes are accessed more than 20,000 times a month and many pastors play the programme in their churches each week.

Another of our video programmes, You’re included, is devoted to exploring Trinitarian theology—the biblically rooted self-revelation of our loving and merciful God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You’re Included is aptly named, since it explores the healing and transforming love of God revealed in the Bible for all humanity—which includes you and me. Since March 2007, Dr. J. Michael Feazell has conducted over 100 half-hour interviews with leading theologians for You’re Included. Each week, more than a thousand people watch, listen or read the transcript for one of these interviews. Some of them are also burned to a DVD and played in churches or in small group settings. Even some seminary professors direct their students to our website so they can watch the programme. Guests on the programme have included the late Ray S. Anderson, senior professor of theology and ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary, and author of more than a dozen books on ministry and theology. Among many others, the programme has also featured such notable theologians and Christian leaders as Alan Torrance, Douglas Campbell, Elmer Colyer, Gary Deddo, Gordon Fee, Trevor Hart, Baxter Kruger, and Paul Young, author of the best-selling novel The Shack.

In August 2008, we launched WCG Together, a video series featuring interviews with GCI leaders. We have also created a video sermon series called A Word from Our Sponsor, which is designed for small churches to use in their service when a preacher is not available. All of these may be accessed from our home page, http://www.gci.org/.

The surprising thing about these high quality video programmes is that all the work—set design, lighting, sound, shooting, and editing, as well as contacting and arranging all logistics for interview guests—is done by our highly talented and dedicated staff of one—Nathan Smith—and three carefully chosen on-call helpers. Nathan literally does the work of many highly skilled people, and I do hope you will keep him in your prayers as he works hard to stay on top of such a demanding schedule.

Through it all, and most importantly, the good news of God’s abiding love made manifest in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit is being shared with others—and not just though our media efforts, videos and publications, of course—but especially through the devoted work being done by all of you, the many viewers of these various gospel tools on our website.

To all of you, I want to say thank you for all you do in Jesus! And I want you to know that your prayerful support—and your generous contributions—are deeply appreciated, and so vital to this gospel work that we all share.

Thank you, heavenly Father, for the contribution you allow us to make in your loving ministry to this world. We thank you for the advances in technology which allow more to be done, but principally we thank you for all those who are willing to share in your Gospel work to and for all humanity.

About the Author:joeandtammy

Joseph Tkach is the President of Grace Communion International (the Denominational name of The Worldwide Church of God UK), and resides in California, USA.

You are welcome to attend one of our local Church congregations located throughout the UK. For details of your nearest local congregation, check on our website, http://www.wcg.org.uk under the ‘Churches’ tab, or ring +44 (0)1858 437099.


Email: admin@daybyday.org.uk