June 10th 2009

The Master Potter

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

Genesis 2:7 tells us that God created Adam out of clay and breathed into him the breath of life.  Isaiah 64:8 (Living Bible) tells us we are all the work of His hands: “We are the clay and you are the Potter.  We are all formed by Your hand.”

But, as you know, Satan came on the scene, and deceived them by raising doubts about the word of the Potter.  They became broken pots, and since then all of us have become cracked pots!

But God loved His creation, and had a plan to save all the broken pots.  He sent a Perfect Pot, his precious Son, to show the broken pots how to live.  He took on the results of their impurities (sins) so that they could be made pure.

Jesus died once for all the broken pots who would trust in him, and they became the forgiven pots.  He took all their sins and made it possible for them to be forgiven and receive eternal life.

As a potter shapes clay on a potter’s wheel, he has the power to reshape the clay and get rid of any defects.  God has the power when we respond to the truth to re-shape us back to His image so that we can receive eternal life (Jeremiah 18:6).

We are no longer cracked pots. We are the work of the Master Potter.

Father please help me to submit to the truth of your Word and reshape me to the image of your Son.

Study by Jill Newman