September 8th 2009

The Lens Of Jesus

… Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and don’t try to stop them! People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom.”

Matt 19:14 (CEV)

 Jesus said that we should be like little children.  We have a little boy who is nearly three years old, and it’s been fascinating seeing his development from a newborn to a small child walking and talking, and trying to figure out the world around him.  Sometimes he comes up with things that are not wrong, yet not “correct”.  For example you “screw drive” with a screwdriver!  When reading numbers he says “… nine, ten, one-teen, two-teen, three-teen, four-teen…”  It makes perfect sense to a three year old and it’s difficult to explain that it’s not “correct” even though it does make perfect sense.

 It’s the same with us and theology.  We as humans are trying to figure out God, and some “correct” world views have emerged that don’t quite sit comfortably with the logic and evidence we see in the Bible.  Little children say what they see and figure things through the lens of their limited understanding. Whilst we too have limited understanding, we should say what we see through the lens of Jesus, as revealed in the Bible.  God is a loving creator who doesn’t want to see any of his creation destroyed, so he sent his son Jesus Christ to save the whole world.  The bible reveals the simple truth:  It’s all about Jesus.


Dear God, thank you for the simplicity of your grace and mercy as revealed in the Bible.  Thank you for the truly good news of the Gospel – that you sent your son to die for the whole world.


Study by Gary Glenister